Confession: I don’t know much about sports. I don’t follow them. And, I know this is probably the #1 male turn-off in the world, but I don’t really like them. But, I try to understand the allure.
However, I do LOVE Detroit sports (well, except our poor Lions. I just hate football altogether, but that’s fodder for another post). And I like cute athletes, especially when they are in those tight, hot baseball pants. So, with that said, one of my favorite summer activities is Tiger’s baseball because really it’s not about the game…It’s about enjoying the outdoors, having fun with friends (and hopefully Little K one day) and experiencing the beauty of downtown Detroit. And, personally, I just like any place where it’s perfectly acceptable to drink…even if it’s $8 beers!
I feel so blessed to of met a wonderful gal in my childbirth class who has quickly become one of my favorite mommy friends. In fact, we actually met because we got lost at the hospital together and ended up getting to know each other waddling around pregnant. Musta been fate.
Fast-forward to now – we have babies two weeks apart and enjoy getting together to compare notes (every mom needs at least one of those friends) and have some fun (you can take babies to happy hour, right?!). She was kind enough to invite the hubs and I to a Tiger’s game last night, courtesy of her mom’s work. Although it was a chilly night, it was a nice excuse to get out of the house and have some fun in our city. And, the Tiger’s won, so that’s a bonus too. Here’s some photos we took to capture our adventure!
This post was linked up for Wordful Wednesday. To show your own Wednesday photo love, visit the following fab ladies: Project Alicia, Stacy Uncorked, Live and Love…Out Loud, Seven Clown Circus and Parenting BY Dummies.
Great pictures. Must have beer at a baseball game. How cool you won a shirt by tweeting where you were sitting.
I know, Twitter haters need to read this. FREE STUFF ROCKS!
Cool slideshow!! Looks like a really fun evening. After racing, baseball is my favorite spectator sport! And I have no idea why: just started watching the playoffs and World Series games back when I was a teenager.
That’s neat that you’ve become friends with someone you met in your childbirth class!
Baseball isn’t that fun to watch on TV, but I love being there 🙂 Yup, childbirth class is a great way to make new friends 😉
How fun! Those are great seats! It’s nice to have a mom buddy who is in your exact same boat – not by just being a mom, but by having a baby/kid the same age. Definitely helps!
Totally agree. Plus, we’re both newbies, so that makes it even more interesting!
That looks like SO much FUN! How cool you made a friend for life being lost in the hospital and waddling around pregnant together… 😉 Even cooler you got to go to a Tiger’s game – and they won as a bonus! Extra bonus winning that t-shirt by tweeting where you were sitting – what a perfect night you had! 🙂
WW: Dinosaur & Dragon Conga Drama
Yes, it turned out beautifully! Thanks for popping by, Stacy!
We took our daughter when she was seven months old to a Tiger game. It was the WORST experience of my life. I was so terrified that she’d get sunburned. And oh, foul balls. Yes, I spent most of my time huddled over her trying to protect her from the sun and flying objects. Though, I did put her in the front pack and walk around the park. I took a picture of it. In fact, that will be my Wordful Wednesday for today! Thanks for the inspiration!
Yay (*coming over to check out*). That makes sense…I’ve been wanting to take Little K to a game, but maybe I’ll wait a bit and get nosebleed seats. I was freaked out about getting hit by a ball – there were a few that landed around us!