So what is a Mom-to-Mom {Mom2Mom} sale, anyway?
A M2M sale is essentially a giant indoor garage sale filled exclusively with items for children and babies. It’s a great place to buy barely used clothing, toys, books and a variety of other items. These sales are fantastic for those items you just really rather not spend a ton of money on. For me, it’s generally clothes…because I just can’t justify spending $20 on an outfit Little K wears maybe 5 times. I have gotten some adorable items from dresses to PJ’s for Little K for next to nothing — and many items still with the tags on.
I remember the first time I went to a Mom2Mom sale with my friend. I was just barely pregnant and had no clue what to expect – I just knew I wanted to see what these sales were all about.
To start, they almost couldn’t let me in because all I had was a $20 bill for the $1 entrance fee and they hadn’t built up much change yet. Then, I was so intimidated by the mass of mamas practically running from table to table. I wasn’t sure what I wanted or needed and felt lost. The following 5 tips would’ve come in handy…
5. Bring small bills. Most sales will have a $1-$2 admission, so you’ll need a smaller bill to get in (these sales are generally held as a fundraiser, so that money typically goes toward a cause – i.e. a high school basketball team). Also, remember the moms working the tables aren’t going to have change for a $50 bill. Bring plenty of $1’s and $5’s.
4. Get there early!!! If you’re looking for a larger item, you must arrive on time to get the best items. These sales are great for those spare items you need for grandma’s house, etc. I’ve seen brand new Pack n’ Plays go for $20. That’s a steal!
3. Have an idea of what you need and do your research. What will your baby/child need in the next 6 months to a year? Have an idea of what you’re looking for and how much those items typically cost at the store. This will help you to justify whether or not you’re getting a good deal.
2. Bring your own bag or backpack. I recommend using a larger reusable shopping bag, that way you’ll be able to throw everything into one large bag versus juggling multiple plastic bags.
1. Barter. Don’t be afraid to offer a price lower than what’s marked. A trick I’ve learned from American Pickers is this: Group items and then offer a lower price i.e. offer $5 for 2 outfits versus the $6 they are asking). They will be more likely to take the bait. With that said, if they are priced too high and not willing to budge, move on. There will be other moms there who really just want to get rid of stuff and will be more willing to meet in the middle with prices.
For my local readers, be sure to check out the website Mom2MomList for a great listing of sales in Michigan.
Have you ever been to a mom-2-mom sale? If so, what items did you score? What tips do you have to share?
I absolutely love Mom2Mom sales. There’s one in Markham that we go to twice a year. I’ve even gone as far as Guelph for these sales. Great tips in your post, especially since I want to sign up to sell in the spring and hopefully get rid of some of this baby stuff that my kids are growing out of.
That’s awesome! Having a table will be a lot of fun – just be sure to be price flexible if you really want to get rid of things 😉
I’ve actually only been to one mom-2-mom and I made out like a bandit! It just happened that they had a few large items that I needed and I found them quickly. I do agree on the getting there early – I was one of the first ones there and that really did help. Gets kind of picked over after a while.
For sure. As much as I hate to get up early on a Saturday, it’s worth it – especially when you’re looking for something very specific.
Thanks so much for these helpful tips from the perspective of a new shopper! I’m organizing a sale in late May and this info will help me guide our new shoppers 🙂