I was offered the chance to taste test a really yummy new product on the market (and a Michigan-made one at that!) and couldn’t say no.
The product is Cranberry Naturals, a new all-natural juice from Old Orchard. I didn’t want to pass this up because I LOVE cranberry juice, but I always struggle with drinking juice in general since many juices contain almost as much sugar/calories as pop. But, this one is different and make me feel much less guilty.
A few facts about Cranberry Naturals:
- Sweetened with Truvia
- No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners
- 20% more real cranberry juice than leading brand
- All the benefits of cranberry juice but far less sugar/calories
And the taste? Super yummy! I was able to try the Cranberry Raspberry flavor, and it definitely passed the test. I could tell it wasn’t as sugary as most cranberry juices I consume, but I was OK with that. Less calories is good for me, right?
I have a really great recipe I tried with it, too, for a mega-healthy smoothie my mom introduced me to that is delicious (and helps me to consume more of the green stuff).
Here’s the recipe:
- 1 scoop vanilla Whey protein (you can find it in the health food section – I buy it at Sam’s Club to save)
- 1/3 cup of Silk milk
- 1/3 cup cranberry juice (It was great with the Cranberry Naturals Cranberry Raspberry flavor)
- 1/3 cup dark mixed berries (frozen, unsweetened)
- 1½ cups frozen organic baby spinach
30 seconds in the blender and voila! A great drink to get the morning started off on the right foot..and to me, it sure beats eating that much spinach by itself!
I have 5 coupons to giveaway for a FREE bottle of Cranberry Naturals (available nationwide in 6 flavors – Cranberry Raspberry, Cranberry Pomegranate, Classic Cranberry, Cranberry Apple, Cranberry Blueberry, Cranberry Grape). If you’re interested in winning a coupon, and happen to be a U.S. resident, just leave me a comment answering the following:
What is your favorite way to drink cranberry juice?
I will notify the first five commenters via email and send you the coupon in the mail.
Learn more by visiting Old Orchard on their website | Facebook | Twitter
I was not compensated for this post, but was given 2 bottles of juice to try, as well as coupons to give to my readers. The recipe and views expressed are my own.
I like to drink it straight up in the morning with breakfast.
Plain or with a little bit of vodka 😉 but really, just plain over ice!
I like it plain, maybe with ice.
mix it in a shake with some ice cream! Yum!
Oohh yum! I love cran juice…with vodka. Or with diet sierra mist!
That sound great I will try this receipe with the children…
Thanks Dawn, Becky, Alysia, Patty and Ashleigh. I sent an emil your way to gather your addresses and send the coupons out. Thanks so much!
Robyn – Best of luck with the recipe – it’s pretty darn good for being packed with so many healthy ingredients. Hope your kiddos like it 🙂