I found this writing prompt in my inbox this week from Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop:
Aside from your kids, pets, your husband, your coffee and your wine…what makes you smile?
That got me thinking. All those things are MAJOR smile-makers in my world. But what else is there?
First, Mama Kat forgot to mention another big one…CHOCOLATE! {In any form. Even when I have to sneak it while the toddler naps.}
Other thoughts that came to my mind include: Catching up with an old friend. Having a meal with girlfriends. Wandering around a store for as long as I want. The smell of fresh-cut grass and sheets that are fresh out of the dryer. Snagging a great deal. Waking up refreshed. Taking a walk. Having an open weekend with no plans. Spontaneous adventures. Taking photos. Antiquing and garage saling. Taking the scenic route instead of the expressway. A clean house. Coming home to dinner made. Freshly painted nails. Beautiful sunsets. Feeling the sun on me while at the lake.
A field of these little beauties {P.S. Check out my summer bucket list progress!}:
The list could go on and on…So, I decided to also solicit help from my amazing Facebook followers. Here’s what they had to add:
- When I get a few minutes to myself…..and darn it, playing angry birds. – Donna
- Naps! – Kitsey
- My best friend. – Deanna
- High heels, new lip gloss, lots of mascara. An empty page in a lined notebook and perfectly smooth gel pens. The moment my head finally touches my pillow. – Angela
- Christmas music! I start listening to it when the mornings get colder in September; however I don’t like to hear it in stores until Thanksgiving. – Kim
- A good book, being by the water, fresh folded laundry 🙂 – Gerta
- A long, hot shower. Crafting. A pedicure. New underthings. Learning something new. – Deanna
- Spending time with good friends. A good book. – Jolyn

All wonderful things!! I should have participated, but I don’t think I could have come up with many that haven’t already been covered here!
Thanks for the smiles!
Those are all great things to make to make you smile! How about this one… finishing a really good book.
Absolutely! I’m dying to read again…As soon as this baby is sleeping better!
Came by from Mama Kat’s. Loved your smile items – and what a great idea to put on Facebook! I love clean laundry day (just not the putting away part). 🙂
Yes, chocolate makes me smile. Also, cupcakes and ice cream. 🙂
Your food posts involving cookies or treats you’re baking always make me smile!
All great things! Feeling the warm summer sun on me makes me happy!