I still can’t believe it!
Butt and legs. Yes, our first incriminating photo. Sorry, son!
We had our ultrasound yesterday and I honestly had never felt that nervous before an ultrasound. The truth is I really wanted a boy, and was afraid I would cry if it was a girl…and then later feel really awful for doing that {because I know I would love either gender just the same}.
The technician took about a million measurement photos until we got down to the belly/butt area of the bebe. I thought I saw a little nub, but didn’t say anything from fear I would jinx myself. Finally she announced that it indeed was a boy. And then the tears came. My husband just sat back and smirked — I think he was pretty sure it was going to be another little gal. I am excited he will have a new little buddy to joke about us crazy girls with!
I honestly couldn’t be happier. After a really rough week of parenting while feeling sick {yucky sinus infection} and just feeling so ready for spring, this was just the thing I needed to hear to remind me of how incredibly lucky I am.
Kinley has been saying it was a boy from the beginning. She even had begged me to look at the boy clothing at Old Navy the other day for her “little brother.” She has already declared her stake in the name game — Squiggles. Where she came up with that, we have no clue. But, so far it’s sticking as a great nickname — especially because he moved the entire time during the ultrasound 😉
Her and Karina are already giving their brother kisses {on my belly} and I am so excited to see how adorable they are with him. What a lucky little boy to have two big sisters! We all know he should be a great communicator with women, right?!
And so it begins…My adventures into the world of blue and crazy little boys! I’ve never felt so ready for this change.
If you’ve raised boys and girls, what have you found to be different?
Congratulations, Lauren! So happy for you.
Thanks so much, Lindsey! Should make things a tad more chaotic around here for sure 😉
Yay, congrats again! Exciting. When are you due? 🙂
Thanks so much, Liz! Due Aug. 1, which likely means end of July. Since Karina’s birthday is July 28, I very well may have children that share the same birthday! Hopefully they don’t hate me for that 😉
Ha. Well hopefully they’ll be born on different days! My mom and my cousin (her brother’s son) are both April 25th babies AND his new wife also has an April 25th birthday. I was supposed to be born 1/1 but waited till 1/13. 🙂
Congratulations, Lauren! I can just imagine the excitement in your family right now. Having only had one child, and that being a boy, I can tell you that they’re lots of fun! (And I don’t know for sure, but I’ve always heard that boys and their moms are “closer”. My son is 33, and we are VERY close.)
Thank you so much, Dianna. My friends always tell me there’s just a special bond between boys and their moms too! Since this is my last baby, he will be very precious to me for sure. Excited and hope our relationship is just like the one you have with Marshall 🙂
Aw…that’s so sweet. Marshall had dinner with us tonight! Can’t wait to read future posts as you welcome your son into the family!
They’re definitely different than girls!!! Zoey is much more emotional and whiney than tanner is. Mine have learned things very differently too. Zoey was always into books, letters, songs, etc. tanner still doesn’t know abcs and doesn’t care to learn them yet. He wasmuch more active, alwYs climbing and figuring out how to get up, down, and through things. Both are equally amazing, and the bonds I share with both are different. I’m soooo happy you’re having a boy! Can’t wait to meet him 🙂
That’s such a great point about learning! I know boys don’t talk as early either (typically), so that will be an interesting addition…Especially if he’s quiet and laid back like daddy. Either way, very excited to see the difference. It is a welcome change in our world of dramatic little ladies 😉 I’m all about chasing a little boy…He will be my post-pregnancy workout routine – ha!
Yay! Congrats! I’m 12 weeks today and can’t wait to find out the sex.
Yay! It’s so fun! I truly admire people that can wait…I just never could! I think it’s just as fun to find out 😉
Awe, love this!!! Boys are fun!
The main difference I’ve seen between Julia and Justin is that Justin is just plain *fearless*. After all, HE was the reason for our first ER visit non-sickness related. It just so happened to be the morning after we moved into the new house. I can’t compare him to Alaina yet, really, but I think she might be following in his footsteps – attitude wise!
On the other hand…he’s my little snuggle bear. Hearing him say “I love you mommy” and giving me a kiss on the cheek just melts my heart!
And with that…I have a crying baby to tend to!
Love and miss you!
Aww, too funny! Maybe the fearless thing is a second kid thing because my Karina is the same way…She definitely has given me several mini heart attacks. For that, I think she’s preparing me for a boy 😉
I admire you so much for balancing your kiddos. I’m a tad concerned with having 3 kids under 4 (for a few months at least), but you give me hope!