I received a copy of the book Bucketfilling from A to Z from Bucket Fillers, Inc. in exchange for the post below. All opinions expressed are my own.
I recently had the opportunity to check out the children’s book, Bucketfilling from A to Z, and again I am impressed at the latest children’s book from authors Carol McCloud and Caryn Butzke of Bucket Fillers, Inc., a Michigan-based company making strides to make children kinder.
If you aren’t familiar with the bucket filling concept, essentially it’s the idea that every person in the world has an invisible bucket with them and they can choose to fill it with positive words and action or be a “bucket dipper” and take away what’s inside with mean-spirited words or action.
What I adore about this concept is that is SO teachable to kids of various ages. Kinley is a few months shy of 4 years old and LOVES this concept. It really seems to help to get her to think about her actions more {especially when it comes to tormenting her sister}! I often can be found saying, “Don’t be a bucket dipper to your sister. Please fill her bucket and be helpful instead,” to her. Gotta love sibling rivalry! When baby arrives, I will definitely be asking my girls for help and look forward to telling them to help and in turn, fill my bucket 😉
About the book: Bucket Filling from A to Z uses the letters of the alphabet to help young and old see the many, simple ways that they can fill buckets and fill their own buckets in return. When you help children become bucket fillers, you give them the key to happiness…for it is in friendship, love, and good will to others that we are truly happy. Bucket filling is the moment by moment choice to be kind and caring. Teaching and encouraging children to be bucket fillers is one of the greatest gifts you can give to them.
By Carol McCloud and Caryn Butzke
Illustrated by Glenn Zimmer
For Ages 4 – 9
Soft cover: $9.95, hard cover: $17.95
I absolutely adore this book…and believe me — we read a TON in our house, and not all children’s books are created equal. This book is an excellent choice for any caregiver/teacher/family to teach the concept of kindness. Also, we love the illustrations, too, since they really bring to life the words to help children learn.
My favorite page is “D is for Donate” since I am always explaining to Kinley how we need to donate our old toys and clothing to other families who need them more than us!
{If you’re a teacher, be sure to check out the free resources section here for great ideas to use in the classroom, too!}
Learn more about Bucketfillers Inc. on Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest
I am excited to give away TWO packages of books and fun from Bucketfillers, Inc. All you have to do is enter using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to all U.S. residents 18 years+. Giveaway ends on August 8, 2014 at midnight.
Packages include a water bottle, bucket filling book, bookmarks, notepads encouraging acts of kindness, and a coloring book.
I like the idea of “filling up” your bucket – great analogy!
My kids helped our neighbor wash her car.
My 3 yr old loves to help with dinner. After a garage sale both of our kids (3&5) did not fuss one bit about donating the toys we didn’t sell. They are very good about purging toys – even though they may be sad – but they know there are other kids out there who need the toys more than they do.
What a great concept for a kids book. I don’t think kids are ever too young to learn the concept of bucket lists and giving back.
My daughter is only eight weeks old, so she gives me smiles which is great to me. 🙂
Awww 🙂 I’ve been thinking about you!!! Hope you are doing well with the adjustment!
My oldest is almost 8 years old. She gave her rice krispie treat to her littlest sister the other day.
I love, love, love this concept! It particularly resonates with my 5 year old, and I love how it teaches kids the importance of treating others kindly in a way that is easy for them to understand.
This is a really great analogy to use with little kids and although mine are a little old to use this with (10 and 15) we do have talks about how people don’t want to be around people who don’t give back.
My 2 and 3 year olds love to help with housework (dusting, drying plastic dishes, etc.) I’m starting them early! lol! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
fairyfractal at gmail dot com
My 5 yr old has been awesome in helping potty train his 3 yr old brother. Always has an encouraging word and congratulates him when he goes!
My son, 4, picked up his toys after asking him only one time. I thought that was a miracle! 🙂
My dd picked up all the blueberries she spilled on the floor this morning without being asked… which is amazing for almost 2.
Sounds like a great book. My children have been doing a good job of thinking about others and sharing! Which… for them has been huge!
I love the bucket filling concept and books! Would love to add this to our homeschool for character development supplements. Awesome!
Filling buckets is such a great concept, these books help teach in a perfect way.
By helping clean up the house. She loves being a helper and only 3 1/2 yrs old.
I am so excited to create a kindergarten classroom full of bucket fillers this year!
My 2 year old daughter was watching me brush my hair and do makeup and she grabbed my face and said “mommy your hair is beautiful like a princess.”….I love her! My heart melted and then I rewarded her with a hug…..and a lollipop…
My grandchild has helped me in the garden. He is learning to become a great helper