Today marks my 5 year blogging anniversary! I can’t believe how fast that time has flown. What began as a way to continue writing after I left my job, has become a passion project, and I couldn’t be more proud of the things I’ve been able to do.
I’ve written down my thoughts for a long time. It started with journaling as a kid {oh my, those are funny}, then I went to LiveJournal to Blogger, until I started here on WordPress in a bit more professional capacity. Writing is my therapy and my way to process things, and blogging has been the perfect outlet for my creative side, my desire-to-know-everything side, and a fun way for me to express my passion for my kids and community.
It sure has been a wild ride…Literally. Riding in the Wienermobile with Kinley in her carseat is up there with one of my all-time favorite blog memories!
I have learned SO much during these past 5 years, and have so much more learning to do. I’d love to continue to grow, write more, practice photography, and have a ton of fun in the years ahead.
For now, here’s…
What 5 Years Of Blogging Has Taught Me
People can be really mean. Internet trolls are the obvious worst…I’ve been called some awful things. I used to let silly comments hurt my feelings, but I’ve gotten over it. It just goes with the territory of living an online life. For the most part, people are actually really kind and helpful, and those are the people I choose to interact with.
Blogging is a TON of work. On the surface, it looks like I have a ton of fun, right? But what you don’t see is the hours I pour into this…Drafting and editing posts, emailing with clients, chatting about ideas with companies, taking photos and editing them, and sharing posts like crazy because the more views, the happier the client, and the more money you can make.
Just another day as a blogger! Feeding a giraffe at the Detroit Zoo as part of a Visit Detroit tour
It’s not about the money/perks, but those are crucial to sustain. I love blogging, but it is a part-time job, so I need to gain from it somehow or else I can’t justify the time it takes me. However, every post you see labeled as ‘sponsored’ has been carefully determined as a fit. I turn down offers all the time…even ones with real money tied to them. If you — my readers — aren’t going to be interested in it, I don’t take it on. It’s that simple.
Practice makes…Not always perfect. Have you ever heard the claim it takes a million words before you’re good at writing? I’m pretty sure I’ve hit that milestone, and I have SO far to go. I’m not a perfect writer, or even exceptionally clever in every post, and I’m OK with that because I’m being true to myself. As we grow and change, so does a blog.
The posts I am afraid to hit publish are my best posts. Sometimes I get personal on here, and it’s hard to hit publish thinking of all the people that may see it. But those posts free something within me every time. I strive to be honest and brave, both in life and online, and those posts can be the best catalysts for great conversations with friends and strangers.
Throwing an opening pitch for the Detroit Tigers on behalf of Hudsonville Ice Cream was such an honor, even if I was 33 weeks pregnant and terrified of messing up!
I’ve learned to say no and manage my time better. This is a VERY hard one for me. I love to help people; it’s just in my DNA. But I don’t have time to publish everything here, or answer every question I get. I respond when I’m interested, and at times, ignore ones that are far off base of what I typically cover. {Sorry if this has happened to you!}
Writing consistently is hard. I have topics galore in my brain. But finding the time to sit down and really write them out? It’s tougher than you think, especially with another part-time job and raising three little humans. Oh, and doing laundry and dishes. I swear it never ends 😉
Supporting other bloggers brings joy. Just like firefighters and teachers, us bloggers tend to look to each other with respect and admiration. Bloggers are some of the nicest {and most knowledgeable!} people ever. I love supporting my fellow bloggers because the web is a BIG pond, and there truly is plenty of room for all of us. Plus, it’s awesome going to events and seeing people who are as crazy as you with taking photos of a meal or tweeting a great quote from a sponsor!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If you’ve made it through this post, THANK YOU! Thank you for inspiring me to flip open my laptop when my eyes just want to close, for making me laugh with comments, for becoming my online and in real life friends and for helping me to grow as a human. I appreciate each and every one of you!
Cheers to 5 years, and all the fun to come in the years ahead!
Happy blogiversary! 🙂 I used to use Xanga to blog in high school, ha. Then in 2009 I started my book blog, as something to do after college, and in January 2010 I started Yes/No Films.
So awesome you started right after college! I wish I would’ve taken it more seriously earlier on!
Love it! Thanks for all you do!
Thank you so much for your support, Shannon! xox
Congrats on five years!!! So proud of you, my soul friend. You’re an inspiration.
Love you. Thanks for being so supportive through the years. You rock.
Happy Blogaversary!! So happy to have met you on the journey 🙂
Agreed! So fun meeting you a few weeks ago! xox
Happy, happy bloggiversary, Lauren! You’re a joy to know and an inspiration for all of us who have big dreams of building on what we love to do. 🙂 Best wishes for continued success…looking forward to seeing more from you!
What a sweet comment! Thanks, Jennifer! I LOVE your blog too…Keep up the awesome “work” – though we know it really is fun too 😉
It is indeed! Thanks, Lauren–that means a lot! ?