I received a promotional copy of Guess What? I Still Love You. to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed belong to me.
I am borderline obsessed with children’s books. Whenever I get the chance, I nab them to flip through. I even confess to preferring to visit the library without my kids so I can read and have time to think through which ones my littles would love best…and avoid my toddler pulling books off the shelves.
I recently had the chance to read a friend’s new book called Guess What? I Still Love You., and I’m excited to say, it’s now one of our family favorites. It truly is the perfect gift for the crazy toddler in your life, and is such a fun read describing the frustrating, yet hilarious, moments of parenting and what unconditional love looks like.
The gal who wrote it — Jessica Simon — is a Michigan native, and a fellow CMU grad. She has three children under the age of 3, so she understands how tough this stage is.
She was inspired to write Guess What? I Still Love You because of the way her family was formed, through adoption and biological births. In fact, I read it to my 4-year-old in the waiting room at the eye doctor, and the lady at the desk proceeded to tell me all about her own foster-to-adoption story — it was so sweet!
I especially love how the book repeats that no matter how crazy our children make us feel at times, we still love them. It’s such a positive message that is perfect to boost a child’s esteem and make them smile while cuddling and reading. Read it, and I guarantee you will smile too!
Great work, Jessica 😀
As parents of young children know, toddlers can sometimes be crazy. But their parents still love them very much — no matter what. Sometimes toddlers misbehave and have to go to timeout. Sometimes they resist going to bed at night or for a nap. Sometimes they color on the walls or throw food on the floor. Sometimes they break things or scream and yell and bawl. And eventually they grow a bit older and don’t want to cuddle anymore. Through everything, their parents love them.
The book is currently available for $14.99 on Amazon for the paperback or $7.55 for the Kindle version. Purchase HERE.
Guess What? I Still Love You Book
During the toddler stage, I love when a toddler says a really big word appropriately and it kinda catches you off guard and makes you realize that your little one isn’t so little anymore.
Definitely their curiosity!!!
I love the tremendous growth in language development in this stage.
My favorite part of the toddler is when they are learning to talk and walk.
I love that my toddler wants to snuggle and just wants to be near me. 🙂
This one looks like a great book for my little boy. Jessica Simon is one of my favorite authors. I will consider buying it.
Thanks for your detailed review Lauren, I love your work!
My favorite thing about my three year old grandson’s toddler stage is the funny songs and dances that he comes up with sometimes. I laugh my head off.
Besides the toddlers unrequited love, they are the best at Knock Knock jokes!
My favorite part of the toddler stage is just how curious they are!!
My favorite part of the toddler stage is when they learn new things.
My favorite part is hugs and kisses given freely! Thanks
i love that they are so much fun! toddlers are crazy and curious and will dive on in to anything! i love that!
I like toddlers because they’re always learning new things.
My granddaughter is a toddler. I love seeing her excitement when she sees a new book. At 2 1/2 she loves books. My daughter did too at that age. I also love watching her play with activities that make her think. She’s very advanced for her age.She knows her colors, alphabet, and how to use her kids kindle. Im so proud of her which you can probably tell. Lol! Thank you for the chance ?