I am a Hudsonville Ice Cream brand ambassador. All opinions expressed belong to me.
In 1984, then-President Ronald Reagan made one of the best decisions of his presidency: He made a proclamation to make Ice Cream Day and Ice Cream month a thing in July. For real — look it up.
Ice cream is definitely something I would never argue when it comes to politics…unless we are discussing flavors and brands. That, I could easily turn into a debate 😉
Lucky for us, July 16, 2017 is ice cream day and the entire month of July is dedicated to the sweet, cool treat. My family is more than willing to celebrate. It’s our civic duty. ‘Merica and ice cream ya’ll!
Here are 7 ways to celebrate Ice Cream Month this July with my favorite Michigan-made brand — Hudsonville Ice Cream:
7 Ways To Celebrate Ice Cream Month
Have ice cream for dinner. Sometimes being the parent that says YES is really fun 😉
Make a float! Hudsonville French Vanilla pairs great with Michigan-made Vernors and Faygo flavors. {Great way to get excited for the Detroit-inspired flavor coming this fall — the Comeback Cooler.}
Make your own ice cream sandwiches. Bake my delicious chocolate chip cookies, add some ice cream, and let the magic happen!
Throw an ice cream social with neighbors. What better way to get together with neighborhood families than ice cream? I love my title as neighborhood ice cream lady.
Visit the ice cream aisle and challenge yourself to try a new flavor. Hudsonville makes more than 50 flavors, including many that can only be purchased seasonally. This makes choosing a tough decision!
Mix up a milkshake. Instead of eating ice cream the traditional way, blend with your choice of milk and enjoy with a straw. Less mess with kids, too!
Create sundaes. My kids love sprinkles, while I can never resist some Sanders hot fudge! Grab some fun toppings and let the kids go to town.
If you miss ice cream day, no worries — July is also ice cream month, too.
In fact, Hudsonville will be hosting a party to celebrate Detroit’s 316th birthday on July 24 at Cadillac Square, which will include plenty of family fun, raffles and of course — ice cream! The event will be 12-3 p.m. Learn more and RSVP here.
Learn more about Hudsonville and their 90+ year history by visiting their website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or by searching #HudsonvilleIceCream.
Hudsonville is sold at most Michigan retail stores including Meijer, Walmart, Kroger, Walgreens and individually owned shops. Visit their Scoop Locator to find a spot near you.
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
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