Dear Kiddos,
I stalled on writing this letter because I had hoped maybe we were overestimating the power behind this Coronavirus pandemic, but I should’ve known better. As history has shown us, pandemics don’t just “go away” quickly.
We’re in for the long haul, so it’s time for me to collect my thoughts and capture this moment in time for you. Mark my words, this will be a defining moment of your childhood. Knowing this, I tread lightly knowing this may shape some of your fears — and {God willing} positive childhood memories.
Let me start by saying it pains your dad and I that you’ve been ripped from life as you know it into a world where there is nothing but unknowns. Hearing you say “Oh, we can’t do that because of Coronavirus,” every.single.day. is killer to my mama heart.
Right now we can’t tell you what the future holds — if we will be able to go on our summer vacation, or celebrate birthdays with friends, or even if will school and soccer will happen this fall. Not having an adventure to look forward to isn’t how our family rolls.
What I can tell you is that none of that matters right now. What matters is that we are healthy, our friends and family are healthy, and we are together. For that, we are grateful, even though it’s tough some days.
In the meantime, I’m thankful for the memorable moments we’ve shared during the past two months of stay-at-home orders.
I hope you remember the countless meals we’ve shared around the table and the countless walks and hikes we’ve taken as a family.
I *know* you will fondly remember how much computer time, TV, and Nintendo we’ve allowed during this time. I hope you also remember learning life skills such as laundry, cooking, and yard work, which will serve you well in life.
I hope you forgive me for not being a great teacher while learning remotely. Please know I am trying my best, but my math skills are rusty 😉
I hope you realize how much you’ve taught me…about big cats, bugs, monkeys, reptiles, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It has been really neat seeing you take a deep dive into your passions. I am glad you’ve had this time to just create as you’d like without restrictions.
I hope you feel joy thinking of the nights we’ve cuddled up for family movies, games, and books.
I hope you look to dad and I to recognize how picking the right partner to do life with is key. Choosing someone who is the calm to your chaos is critical to weathering storms.
I hope that in the future you remember the value in pausing for breaks when needed instead of mindlessly filling calendars.
I hope you always remember I am here for when you need to take deep breaths or need a reassuring hug when times are confusing. I promise you that everything can be restored with time, laughing and crying.
I hope you always remember you have control of what you choose to see: Hope and positivity or darkness and fear. Always choose the light.
And when it comes time to brave the outside world again, I’m hopeful our family will have more of an appreciation for people and truly understand that health is wealth.
Thank you for being our anchor and serving as our reminder to us to live with hope amongst uncertainty.
We’ve got this.
Love you to the moon and back times infinity.
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