Literacy is one of my passion subjects, so I am extra excited to feature a friend and local author, Tara Michener.
Tara has written six books for children’s and teens and is a counselor at Michener Associates Counseling Services in Novi. Her specialty is anti-bullying and relational aggression and her books work to promote self-esteem and diversity.
{We love Who I am Not What I Am and I’m Just O.K. in our house!}
Tara has an amazing goal to read to 100 classrooms during March’s reading month. Read on to learn the details on how you can work with Tara to read to your child’s class or homeschool group!
I recently interviewed her and this is what she had to say:
1. What (or who) inspired you to become an author?
I wanted to be an author because when I was a kid books always made me feel better. I wanted to do the same for kids. For instance, when I was in middle school I was bullied badly and my comfort was engaging in books and allowing the characters to perk me up. I believe that a love of literature has somewhat of a healing component.
2. What advice would you give kids who want to be an author?
If a kid wants to be an author I suggest that they write stories daily. Get a notebook for stories and one for journaling ideas.
3. What book that you’ve written is your favorite?
I don’t have a favorite book as I think that’s like having a favorite kid when you have six to choose from. I do believe that each has a special quality.
4. What topics do you cover during virtual classroom visits?
During virtual visits, I do a read aloud and depending on time I add a Q&A and activities.
5. What are you reading currently?
Lots of children’s books as I have a 7 year old, Cannon, that I read to daily. I am currently reading Wonder to him. For myself, I am reading A Promised Land.
Hire Tara To Read To Your Class
Teachers have had a hard year and students have not had the interaction that they would typically have in recent years. Budgets have been cut, friends have been missed and assemblies have been eliminated in most schools. Tara’s goal is to lift spirits and promote literacy and well-being, so there is no fee, but donations are appreciated!
She says, “If these teachers and kids can show tenacity and work hard, I can too by sharing a smile and a story.”
How awesome is that?!
If you’d like to book Tara to read, email her at or tweet her at @TaraMichener with the hashtag #keepingit100withtara.

What fun events do you have planned for reading month?
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