I received a Stair Barrier in exchange for my thoughts on the product. Affiliate links are included below.
When my friend Metro Detroit Mommy posted information about Stair Barrier awhile back, I fell in love and knew I had to check this product out for myself with a growing infant and stairs with banisters. I had never seen such a cool barrier to help keep babies {or toddlers! or doggies!} off the stairs. Attractive and functionality together? Sign me up!
First, some background: For the past month or so, I’ve been trying my best to get Miles, my 7-month-old, on a schedule…I *need* to count on at least an hour of work during the day as a work-at-home-mom. Unfortunately, he only holds up his end of the nap bargain once every few days. When he does have a decent nap, he often gets woken up by his big sisters running by his room {despite a noise machine and fan} or so I can take the big kid to preschool in the afternoon. Suffice to say, on the days he actually goes down and we are home, I need him to sleep as long as possible, which means my girls need to stay downstairs and far away from his room.
Stair Barrier to the rescue!
We have used different gates in the past, but two things bothered me: Making holes in the wall and the way they look. Seriously — Eye.Sore. Yes, I have toys scattered throughout the house, but something about a bulky wooden gate right when you walked in my front door really irks me. I want people to feel welcome when they enter, not put off by our crazy {yet kid-friendly} home.
Can you tell my girls like mail?! They were so excited to check it out!
Our stair’s bottom spindle doesn’t go all the way to the ground, but we are still able to use the Stair Barrier without any issues. The ordering process was simple — I chose the colors and what I wanted it to say {I went with the neutral khaki with ‘welcome’ since it’s right by our door}. A few days later, the product arrived in a neat little carrying case ready to rock!
Installation was a cinch. The Stair Barrier comes in two forms: Banister to banister or banister to wall. The regular one is designed to fit stairs with an opening of 36″ inches to 42″ inches in width across banisters {extra wide also available}.
Mr. handsy mcgee Miles won’t be getting through this barrier!
All signature designs have 1 of 7 personalization options which means you choose your fabric/color option first, then choose your graphic and personalize with your name or initial. I love having this option!
Two other things have really stood out about this product: It’s Made in the USA and it was invented by a former Fenton, Michigan resident and mom. {Read a bit about her here.} I sure hope Shark Tank is listening because I think this product will go far!
Cost-wise, they are a bit more than regular banister-to-banister gates, but you pay for what you get….Something that actually looks attractive and is manufactured on U.S. soil. Prices range from $129.99-$200.
Personally, I just love that will keep all my kids on the same level because let’s be honest: Nothing is cuter than sibling love! {And no, this is not staged!} 😉

Hi there-I’m considering buying this product and have a Quick question–is it easy to open and close while carrying a baby? I’m just thinking if I’m trying to carry him upstairs and get through-is it easy to open and close with one hand? Thanks so much for the information!
That is a great question! I definitely think one-handed is a challenge, but not impossible. With that said, you’re going to have that issue with any kind of gate, you know? I mostly just step over ours carefully 😉