I conducted a fun experiment with my mother. I had decided I was going to write down 10 things my mom taught me growing up for Mother’s Day and decided it might be fun to get her thoughts on things she hoped she taught me.
We had quite a few that were on the same page and others not so much. Here are the results:
Lessons my mother taught me (my perspective)
1. Be a leader, not a follower.
She encouraged me to voice my opinion, be confident and always stand up for what I believe in.
2. Always get 3 estimates.
When seeking a professional for anything from house painting to car repairs, always get three estimates and go with the best one.
3. College education = success.
She constantly told me as I grew up that I was going to college. When the time came, there was no doubt in my mind I was going and was the first in my family to go.
4. Eat healthy. Drink water. Take your vitamins.
After hating this mantra growing up, I’m now a believer that it’s the key to health.
5. Shit or get off the pot.
My mom doesn’t swear much, but this is her one exception and it’s definitely my favorite mom-ism. Her way to say don’t wait long for others to make things happen. [[My good friends know I use this one a lot for many situations!]]
6. Learn to manage money and always pay off credit cards.
Don’t go into credit card debt. If you don’t have the means to buy something right now, don’t buy it.
7. Always write thank you notes. Immediately.
Now that I’m older, I’m THAT person that gets peeved when I don’t get a thank you note in a somewhat timely manner. Do it quickly and get it over with.
8. Always wear make-up and perfume.
I don’t always follow through, but I get her point – make-up actually does protect your face from the sun – just remember to take it off at night. And, I pretty much wear perfume everyday, even if I’m wearing a velour sweat suit.
9. Always buy Heinz ketchup.
Off-brands do not cut it in Diane’s world. I’m not a huge ketchup connoisseur, but I always have Heinz in my fridge in case she comes over.
10. It’s always the “average” people who go the furthest in life.
This one hit home a lot as a teenager that often felt “typical.” Now I see it… it seems it’s the people that are relatable that see the most success, not the smarty-pants.
Lessons my mother *hopes* she taught me
1. Always send thank-you notes. (+1)
2. Brush and floss before going to bed.
This is a random lesson, mom! Regardless, yes – I do handle my teeth with care.
3. Take vitamins. (+1)
She just forgot the eat healthy and drink water part, but I know she meant it.
4. Classic clothing never goes out of style.
She liked to pull this when I went through my “I want to buy random shirts at thrift stores” phase. I just can’t always get into that Gap crap most of the time. I have my own random style – sometimes classic, sometimes not.
5. I don’t care what religion you are; just go to church together.
She gets the confusion I felt growing up in a divided house (see #18). Another reason it was important to me to be on the same page as my husband.
6. When kids come along, don’t forget that your husband was first – don’t leave him out and treat him well.
This is a good one, mom. Things are good so far, but I know they will change as our family grows.
7. Read to your children.
This is very important to me. No matter how busy we get, reading 3 books is my daily goal with Little K.
8. Keep in touch with your brothers; stay connected.
Family is the root of everything important in your life – I get it.
9. You will have the same “best” friends all your life.
So far, pretty true. No matter how much time passes between friendships, I still have my girls from my younger years to fall back on. It’s nice to get deep with those that know your history.
10. Never underestimate yourself – you can (and do) more than you think you are able.
That’s so sweet, mom. She always believes in me…Even though she really doesn’t get the point in this blogging thing! Love you! xoxo
Can’t wait to talk to Little K 25+ years down the road to hear the lessons I taught her well.
Happy Mother’s Day, all!
What random lessons stick out in your mind from your parents?
Dianna says
Moms seem to pretty much teach the same lessons (at least most of them). This was an interesting twist to get your Mom’s perspective on what she hoped she taught you.
Happy Mother’s Day to you both!!
Mrs. Weber says
Thanks so much, Dianna! Enjoy your day as well – hope your son gets you something special 🙂
Elena says
What a great post. I couldn’t agree more with your mom on Heinz – NEVER go for off brands when you’re talking ketchup. I laughed because my mom is big on “thank you” notes as well. Great advice from your mom – both in your perspective and hers.
Mrs. Weber says
Thanks, Elena! Hope you and the boys enjoyed your day 🙂
Jessica says
Love how you had different lessons from what your mother thought she taught you. Even though many of the lessons you learned were different from your mother’s I would say they are all still important.
Mrs. Weber says
Definitely. Hope you enjoyed your Mother’s Day and got some pampering in, Jessica!