New baby girl,
You have a name, but we’re not sharing it with the world yet, so for the purpose of this letter, you’re just going to be our new baby.
This pregnancy has truly been beautiful, yet the beginning and end have been tough. It started out with nausea so bad I was worried I was starting to neglect your sister and leave the TV to babysit her. You caused me to hate chicken, spinach, and a myriad of other things. I instantly worried about what I had gotten myself into.
Then we saw you on an ultrasound at just 10 weeks and our world changed. You were real; moving inside me, already developing a little nose and mouth. My sick woes quickly dissipated knowing I was creating a beautiful life to make us a family of four.
Then, the second trimester hit. You were an absolute breeze. I packed and prepared for our big move, I took long walks, I was outside everyday playing with your sister. At times, I felt guilty to not think about you every second, but I know in my heart, you are right there experiencing everything with us.
You are much more active than your sister, hence me naming you my “Tiny Dancer.” For some reason, I have a very strong feeling you may be my artsy child, and for that, I can’t wait.
This last trimester has been hard. I feel you much more than I did your sister, and I secretly hope you come a bit earlier (this week would be great!) than she did, and preferably naturally, but we’ll see what God has in store for both of us. With less than two weeks to go, they are already telling me you are large and in the 90th percentile and the doctors are skeptical of it being an easy birth for me due to complications I had with your sister. I’m scared of the pain but know the outcome of a beautiful baby outweighs any pain x100.
Holding my friend’s newborns recently, I am filled with happiness not only for them, but for us since they remind me I will meet you soon and you are sure to have lots of little friends.
I can’t wait to hold you and stare into your eyes. I can’t wait for your little newborn scent to be on me constantly. I can’t wait to watch you learn and grow and become eventual friends with Kinley. But most of all, I can’t wait for you to fill daddy and I’s hearts with more love than we thought possible.
See you soon, baby girl. Until then, please be kind to your mother.
Oh wow, almost there!!! It’s true when you’re not the one who’s pregnant, it seems time really flies π
Beautiful letter. May you have the birth experience you hope for.
Thanks, Alison! So happy to see how you’re handling 2…it’s going to be a big change for sure!
Oh so sweet!!!
For me, each pregnancies and deliveries were different. This is your second go round so you have a little bit more of an idea of what to expect. Hopefully things will go quickly and you’ll be holding that sweet little baby sooner than you know it!
I canβt wait to see pictures of her π
Oh PS I thought I was in labor 2 days before Baby M was born {Everything was so much different with her as compared to the boys! With them my water broke and then contractions started. I wasnβt really sure what contractions were until her!} Anyway, when I was sent home because I was having contractions, but not progressing, the nurse told me to eat spicy food, jog around the block, and do what I did to get the baby in there {seriously
Thanks, Erin! Yeah, we’re starting to try to get things going so everything happens naturally. Crossing my fingers something works – I’m willing to try anything!
I would be a blubbering fool writing these letters. I’m a blubbering fool reading them. You are so good with words. Can’t wait to meet you baby girl. Can’t wait to see you again, Momma π
Can’t wait for you to come visit me π Here’s hoping she definitely comes before your trip!
It always amazes me how fast a pregnancy goes when it’s not yours! It seems like only yesterday you were telling us all that you were pregnant!
I hope that the baby comes soon, that it’s an easy birth, and that recovery is a breeze!
It feels like the pregnancy has flown for me…except for these past few weeks. I’m ready to meet her already!
Hoping that you get to meet your baby girl sooner rather than later, and wishing you an easy delivery!
Thanks so much, Dianna…Stay tuned π
37 weeks? So fast! I just hope you will deliver the baby safe..for the both of you. Do you do your exercise? It helps a lot for giving birth.. Best wishes!