Photo by Lara Douglas Photography
My Love,
I can’t believe we have been married six years today. To many, this may not seem like much, but according to divorce statistics, I’d say it hopefully means we are in it for the long haul. {According to stats, 20 percent of marriages end in 5 years.}
Isn’t it insane to think about how much our marriage has changed in the past six years? We’ve moved several times, had two children {almost 3!}, changed careers, seen life/death happen before our eyes, and more.
What started out as hot and heavy with physical touch as our forte, scoring 100% in the sexuality category in our pre-marriage assessment, has blossomed into a more realistic view as we deal with the mundane things like a budget, housework, and of course, raising kiddos.
I have certainly learned there’s some things relationship books don’t tell you. They don’t give you a realistic expectation of what butterflies feel like six years in.
So, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what has meant the most to me during the past few years, and here are the things that have not only kept me sane, but absolutely 100% into our relationship:
~ All the times you have listened to me cry and held me — when I was scared I couldn’t get pregnant, when my parents divorced, when my grandma died, and countless of other ‘small’ things that have made a huge impact on me. I’m not sure I would’ve gotten through some of those things without your honest and loving perspective.
~ You held my hand, even though it was difficult, during the births of our daughters. It still touches me to think of your concerned face as I labored {and labored, and labored}. Here’s hoping #3 is a charm! Seeing you hold your children for the first time is up there with the most beautiful moments I have ever witnessed.
~ How you would turn on my electric blanket during winter so I could climb into a warm bed. Seriously, this gives you so many points.
~ All the times you let me go out — alone — when I need it. Coming home to kids who are bathed and sleeping and the dishes done is such a good reminder of what a super dad and husband you are.
~ All the times you sacrificed for me. You never ask for anything. You let me use up ‘fun money’ because I have an itch to buy something I probably don’t need. And you never ever make me feel guilty for my indulgences.
~ It’s not about gifts for us ever; it’s always the thoughtfulness that matters most. This past Valentine’s Day, it meant more to me that you left cupcakes for the girls than the chocolates meant for me. I loved that you thought to bring joy to all of your girls.
~ I find it funny how alike we have become. You have made me smarter, more sarcastic and way more likely to not put up with crappy people. I thank you for that — truly. In return, I think I’ve made you more open-minded, right? 😉
~ You constantly put up with my desire for adventure {events, picnics, random road trips, hole-in-the-wall restaurants}, even when I am sure you just want to stay home. I realllllly thank you for this one because I need that type of excitement in my life. Thank you for recognizing that. OK, and maybe putting your foot down when I cross the line and try to over-exert our family.
~ You show me your love by loving our children. Every kiss you give to them, I feel too. You know how highly I think of you as a father, and I am so in awe of the relationships you have built with each daughter. I only wish every girl in the world could know the fatherly love you show your girls. I have no doubt the bond will be just as strong with your son and I can’t wait to witness your relationship grow with him.
~ Yes, I hoped and prayed that baby #3 would be a boy, but not because I love little boys. I just know if he is anything like you, I will be proud beyond belief. He is so lucky to have you as an outstanding role model.
And, it may be the hormones, but I can’t control the tears after writing this. I just love you so much. Thank you for being wonderful and being you. You are the best mate I could have ever chosen and I thank God every day for bringing you into my life.
Cheers to 100 more years and growing old together.
Happy anniversary!
Thanks, Liz!
Such a lovely letter to your husband, Lauren. Happy Father’s Day to him!
Thanks so much, Alison 🙂