Aging doesn’t have a ton of perks, but gaining wisdom is definitely one of them. So today, on my 33rd birthday, I’m writing a post to myself, because let’s be real: As we age, our birthday is truly the ONLY day where we can be just a little selfish, ya know? Today I’m going to eat all the food and do all the things I want.
I like to use these life lessons as a reminder of how far I’ve come during my time on this earth. This has been a fantastic year full of a lot of personal growth. I also had a few humbling experiences that reminded me that not only is life short, but with enough will power, you truly can make anything happen.
Here are my 33 favorite nuggets of wisdom I learned {or re-learned} this year:
- You don’t know the answer unless you ask the question. Embrace your curious side and ask the lady with the accent which country she is from so it doesn’t make you crazy not knowing. Curiosity is a great opportunity to learn something new.
- If you want something to get done, ask the busiest person you know. Clearly they manage time well and will be there in a heartbeat.
- Having a variety of people in your life makes you happy. The drinkers/smokers/swearers and the wholesome folks each serve a purpose.
- Being empathetic is a gift, not a curse. Being called a snowflake is a compliment; snowflakes are beautiful and unique.
- Ignore the inbox more often. You have three kids who deserve your time more than a virtual person.
- Show others grace because there has been many times you’ve needed it yourself.
- Name brand dental floss is worth every penny. Take care of those teeth!
- Not everyone is wired like you and can go go go. Make sure to build in down time for those around you that need it to recharge.
- Don’t forget the sun protection during the day and the nightly face cream. You’re not getting any younger. Take care of your skin.
- You are much more than just mom. Do one silly thing for yourself daily.
- Confidence rocks. Arrogance doesn’t. Walk the line very carefully, especially on social media.
- Facebook is not a news source.
- Never take social media too seriously. It’s just life’s highlight reel.
- Never look at the comments. Controversial news stories are sure to bring out the crazies. Don’t stop and look if you want to feel positive about the human race as a whole.
- In this phase of your life, comfortable > cute when it comes to clothing. Leggings ARE pants. Cover the booty and rock ’em.
- Travel each year. The kids have been bitten with the travel bug like you — let them explore and learn. You will never say “We shouldn’t have taken that trip.”
- Comparison truly is the thief of joy. Don’t let your assumptions about others make you question your own life; nobody’s perfect.
- Remember the quote “Be the person you needed when you were younger.” Not only for your own kids, but others too.
- Push the limits of your comfort zone; that’s when you learn the most about yourself.
- Be cheap, but eat, drink, travel, and give to others financially well. These are the areas of life that provide the most joy for you.
- Clutter-free home = clutter-free mind. Do what you need to do to survive…But pick-up in the process. You will sleep better at night.
- Details matter. Slow down and take your time when possible.
My name is Lauren. Every email that calls me Laura gets deleted. Just sayin’.
- Days without solid plans ROCK. Schedule one as often as possible.
- Photos are the best “thing” you can own. Keep taking them and working on improving your photography skills.
- With that said, Snapchat filters are great at making your face look a little less tired.
- Go out of your way to make other women you like feel comfortable and cared for. If we don’t lift each other up, who will?
- Repeat after me: Less gifts, more experiences.
- If you judge someone, you are totally going to miss out on how cool they may be. And if they aren’t, at least you can say you tried.
- You can’t always believe the reviews you read on the internet. Take the time to try a place for yourself if it sounds like something you’d enjoy.
- Visit relatives more often. You’re lucky to have them.
- Never stop advocating for your kids, mama bear. Just because someone else can’t see your child’s struggles doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Rock on with those instincts of yours.
- Keep reading great books; they fill your soul and brain.
- Skip appetizers, but never deny dessert when it’s offered. Life is too short.

This is 33. Taking a selfie in my garage in front of my minivan with the best Snapchat filter for hiding tired eyes.
Thank you for reading!
What is your favorite lesson you’ve learned this year?
I agree with you regarding travel – I’ve had some trips that have had its ups and downs, but there’s never one I truly regretted taking :). Happy birthday!
Exactly! Cheers to more travel for sure 🙂
Have a great birthday! Great list 🙂
Thanks so much, Michelle!