Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming…
That jingle has been in my head for 13 years, so I was just a tad bit excited when I saw that Finding Dory would be swimming into my brain this summer.
I had the opportunity to attend a sneak peek the other night with my 5-year-old and definitely left the theater with a smile on my face. Believe me when I say you won’t want to miss this one!
In case you aren’t familiar, here’s a brief overview:
Dory {voiced by Ellen DeGeneres} is an adorable blue tang fish who suffers from memory loss every 10 seconds or so. The one thing she can seem to remember is that she somehow became separated from her parents as a child. With help from her friends Nemo and Marlin, Dory embarks on an epic adventure to find them. Her journey brings her to the Marine Life Institute, a conservatory that houses diverse ocean species. Dory now knows that her family reunion will only happen if she can save mom and dad from captivity.
In this film, you will see a few characters from Finding Nemo, but you’ll also meet some new friends, including some silly sea lions, a nearsighted whale shark, a wacky loon named Becky, and my personal favorite — Hank, an octopus with a sassy personality.
See the official trailer here.
I’m pleased to say that all the hype and my desires to see a film just as great as Finding Nemo basically came true…I’m in love again! Sure, nothing could probably ever live up to the novelty in the original, but Finding Dory does a mighty fine job.
It’s entertaining, funny, and surprisingly educational at times {for example: my daughter was quick to point out octopuses have three hearts after seeing this}. This film had so many great bigger picture lessons for all ages, too — mainly courage, the importance of family, conservation of our oceans, and accepting others for who they are.
As a mom with a daughter who has a brain that is wired just a bit differently, I found myself pretty darn weepy throughout. The film did a beautiful job showing that while our differences may bring about challenges, our differences are to be celebrated as well. I love that this film empowers anyone to feel like they can do anything they set their mind to.
In true Disney fashion, bring the kleenex if you’re a crier.
My lone negative point is to not waste your money on 3D — there isn’t enough of it to justify the additional cost.
This film truly has something for ALL ages. I’d say if your kid can sit still decently for movies at home, take them! There is just one “scary” scene {which isn’t bad – just a giant squid chase}, and really the only antagonist is Dory’s own self-doubt, which she eventually overcomes. I can whole-heartedly recommend this one to even the most sensitive souls.
Also, kid-free adults? Don’t be afraid to go. I honestly laughed harder at this than most movies I’ve seen the past few years.
PRO TIP: Don’t miss the darling short prior to the the movie called Piper. Your cute-radar will be exploding exponentially. Also, make sure to stay until the end of the film’s credits to see a funny little bit they tacked on too 🙂
Overall, Finding Dory was done fantastically and is sure to be one of the summer’s biggest hits, and for good reason — it’s a crowd pleaser. Enjoy!
Finding Dory opens today, and is rated PG. It has a runtime of 97 minutes.
I agree 🙂 it was nice to revisit Dory + co. this time around.
Yes, absolutely! It was kind of fun that they took so long to make it…I felt like I was traveling down memory lane!