Many of you know my blog is best known for it’s lists of things to do each month. Since we are practicing social distancing, this month’s list {and potentially the next several months} is going to look a little different. Instead of providing ideas for places to go, I’m suggesting just ONE fun daily at-home activity to challenge your family.
My intention is to give families ideas for things to do that are fun and educational without the pressure of a big list that causes parents to feel overwhelmed…because WOW it feels like there is too much information out there currently, right?!
So far, our day seems to run the smoothest when I provide my kids with a few tasks + learning ideas versus a strict schedule or curriculum. At the end of the day though, do what works for YOU! {And if you’re working from home like my husband and I, short, productive bursts while your kiddo is engaged with something are your friend!}
These daily activity ideas can be done in any order, and aim to focus on family time that involves discovery, life skills, and creating.
Have fun!
30 Things To Do With Kids In April
April 1 — Chalk your walk! Write inspirational quotes and draw happy pictures on your sidewalk to make neighbors walking by smile.
April 2 — Make a time capsule and place it in a safe place to be discovered again in the future. Have kids write a page describing or drawing who they are, their age, what they want to be when they grow-up, etc. Great way to practice writing and talk about what our world is going through currently.
April 3 — This day is National Find a Rainbow Day! Make rainbow art to hang in your windows. Draw inspiration from the Rainbows over Michigan group on Facebook.
April 4 — Mail day. Send a drawing or letter to a friend, grandparent, or even to our first responder or a local hospital to thank them.
April 5 — Create a stop animation video with your toys! The Stop Motion Studio app is FREE and easy to use.
April 6 — Go on a Virtual Field Trip to a place such as the Great Wall of China, Mars, or a zoo.
April 7 — Color while listening to a kid-friendly podcast such as Brains On, or Story Pirates.
April 8 — Gear up for Easter by drawing something festive for your fridge. Art For Kids Hub has lots of cute ideas!
April 9 — Check out the daily at-home science experiments from Longway Planetarium.
April 10 — Paint rocks with encouraging words or fun pictures and leave them for strangers to find.
April 11 — Have a day full of board games, or learn a new one together.
April 12 — HAPPY EASTER! Dye eggs and plan an egg hunt in your yard. {This holiday will be hard, so do your best to make the most of it!}
April 13 — Play hide and seek as a family…Our favorite way is to play in the dark!
April 14 — Have the kids plan and execute an indoor picnic {or outside if weather permits}.
April 15 — If you have washable paint, have the kids make art using Q-tips. There are so many fun ideas on Pinterest from tulips to rainbows. These turn out so cool!
April 16 — Using LEGOs, have the kids spell their names. Snap a picture to preserve the memory.
April 17 — Teach the kids a new skill. A few ideas: Tying shoes, sewing, braiding, riding a two-wheeled bike, crossing the monkey bars, or how to fold laundry. {Check out this list of kid-appropriate chore ideas}
April 18 — Build the ultimate blanket fort and read inside. If your child cannot read yet, check out Bri Reads for fun and interactive stories!
April 19 — Get your STEM on with supplies from home! Make a DIY marble run with random supplies, or use toothpicks and marshmallows or LEGOs to build a bridge and see how much it can hold.
April 20 — Have your kids draw self portraits. These would be fun to keep and do each year to see how their drawing skills improve over time.
April 21 — With Earth Day tomorrow, make art out of recycled items. Think milk caps, bread ties, cardboard boxes, and more.
April 22 — EARTH DAY! Pick-up trash around your neighborhood.
April 23 — Use the FREE website World Book Kids to research 5 different animals have kids recite or write down a fact for each animal. {This website is amazing and easy to use!}
April 24 — Music day! Listen to a song from each decade to show your kids how music has evolved. One of our favorite games is to listen to the number one song on all of our birthdays here.
April 25 — Build several different styles of LEGO race cars and see which one goes the fastest down a homemade ramp {or a piece of wood}. Ask your kids WHY they think it was the fastest.
April 26 — Create an obstacle course with items you have, or even sticks on the driveway. This can be done in the house too! {i.e. Hop over the cardboard box, skip 20 times, bounce on a mini trampoline and say your ABC’s, etc.}
April 27 — Download the iNaturalist app {FREE} and go on a scavenger hunt to identify bugs, plants, and animals.
April 28 — Travel with your mind. Name a country and research it! What food do they eat? What language do they speak? What animals live there?
April 29 — Take a family bike ride. If weather permits, you can even wash your bikes or other outdoor toys.
April 30 — You made it through the month!? That sounds like a great reason to have ice cream or another special treat for dinner 😉
Please feel free to chime in at the comments to let others know what has worked well for your family during this unprecedented time!
Happy April, friends! Thinking of you all as we navigate the month ahead!
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